NDTV & Dettol alongwith Amitabh Bachchan have launched
a mega campaign, Banega Swachh India , under the banner of CLEANATHON.
It’s a great work being done by them.
The truth is that cleanliness in India is in a very very shocking & sad
state and the situation is really very grim. Hindustan Times in it’s news report
has just mentioned that, “ Swachh Bharat
: just 20% of the Urban waste gets treated properly“. Isn’t it shocking
& sad to know that since last 65 year’s we could not generate such
infrastructure to treat even our own urban waste, properly. The news story can
be read from the LINK.
If we are treating just 20% of our urban waste than what’s
about the rest of the 80% of the urban waste ? What’s about the rural waste ? Don’t
know what our Pollution watch dog : Central Pollution Control Board is doing.
Have you seen the dirty garbage dumps at various corners of your city. These are not properly cleared and not even properly segregated for treatment. These are a major cause of pollution & responsible for various kind of diseases to the masses. But we never care for it as it has become a routine for us. We have developed a habit of CHALTA HAI & so every thing continues in it's own manner even if it's absolutely wrong.
But, thanks to National Green Tribunal that is taking real
interest in it. It has just asked from all the Municipal bodies that why they
are failing to enforce the guidelines of the Municipal Solid Wastes (
Management and Handling) Rules, 2000 that provides for proper segregation and
disposal of the waste generated in cities.

This clearly shows that how much work is still to be done
for making India a Cleaner India. NDTV &
Dettol are doing a great job. It will cover around 400 villages across 8
states. More details of CLEANATHON can be viewed from their website : http://swachhindia.ndtv.com/
But much more is required to be done to safeguard our
motherland from the health point of view. We must join this campaign. We must
come forward to clean our homes, our localities & our cities. It will
result into a Swachh home, a swachh street, a swachh locality, a swachh town, a
swachh city and than a swachh India . We can also make Donations for this great cause.

We must teach the masses to use Dettol for the cleanliness
& hygiene. If we are not willing to do it even now, just think what will
happen to our ENVIRONMENT. Probably
that’s the reason that we are already on the verge of a Cancer disaster &
if not taken seriously, don’t know what more will be happening in our India .

NDTV & Dettol alongwith a Great Brand Ambassador Sh
Amitabh Bachchan can play a much wider role to make India a cleaner one. NDTV has a very
wider reach directly in the homes & hearts of masses. Similarly, Dettol is
a well known, very popular brand making India a hygienic one. This combination
alongwith Amitabh Bachchan can do miracles in India . If we too join them, no doubt our India will soon become a Swachh India - Banega Swachh India. Therefore, we must Join CLEANATHON on the 14th December, 2014.
Pics with thanks from : http://swachhindia.ndtv.com/