Defacating in the open is a normal view in the villages as they don't have a toilet in the homes. But the shocking thing is that even in the big cities, even in the metro cities or even in the national capital, there are many who are regularly defacating in the open. If you can't believe :
1.Just board any train & the minute it starts running, you will found dozens n dozens of persons defacating in the open, on the rails making it the biggest open loo worldwide.
2. Just go to any public place nearing any low lying colony & you will see the human dung everywhere and you will be forced to use a hanky to cover your nose.
It's true that most of the houses in the lower colonies of cities don't have a Toilet in their homes and they are forced to defacate in the open before its dawn. But the shocking fact is that, due to lack of awareness from the Govt agencies, no body has cared for it since years. It's not just that they don't have a Loo in their homes, but it is a pity that they don't have even proper education to understand the gravity of the situation.
The situation is even worst in villages. With no sanitation facilities, with no information on the term HYGIENE, with no drainage systems, with lack of water everywhere, in the absence of primary schools for the education of childrens, life has become a hell.
The present Govt has shown great interest in it. The Swach bharat yojna & the next awareness campaign on having a LOO in the homes will definitely make an impact on the minds of persons living in the villages as well in the low lying colonies of big cities.
Govt must offer money for making Toilets in the villages so that the residents could get a better life. Govt must make Public toilets in villages with all the neat & clean facilities so that the persons living there could change their habit of defacating in the open.

Domex has done a lot in this field & its services are really commendable. The Domex Toilet Academy has done miracles in the villages of Maharashtra & Orissa. It has made clean toilets in various villages, changing the life of residents towards betterment. Domex must come forward to make the clean toilets in every village as well the lower colonies in big cities so that next time you board a train, you don't have to get the worst view of open defacating.
All the NGOs, RWAs & civic agencies must ensure that every Babli gets a Toilet in the coming years. You can bring about the change in the lives of millions of kids, thereby showing your support for the Domex Initiative. All you need to do is “click” on the “Contribute Tab” on and Domex will contribute Rs.5 on your behalf to eradicate open defecation, thereby helping kids like Babli live a dignified life.
Pic with thanks from Domex website. For any more details, please log on to the