One of my friend got a big shock of his life when he got
the Doctors report that his father had prostate cancer. It was really shocking
for the entire family. The PSA was over 4 and it should be with in 2 for any
normal person. The biopsy was done & doctors advised the bone scan. Biopsy
and bone scan reports disclosed that the
cancer had already reached the bones & already at the third stage. The
family was shocked on finding that his life was limited to a maximum of 12
The entire family was shattered on this disclosure. Even
we were shocked as it was never ever assumed that a normal looking person could
be in such a dangerous stage and that too due to cancer. They all decided to
not to disclose about the disease to the patient. They requested doctors
concerned to not to reveal the disease to the patient even though everyone knew
that it was a LOST BATTLE. 31
Many doses of Chemotherapy were given to him at various
hospitals but they never told him about
the disease to the patient. Even though his life was said to be of a maximum of
12 months, the family had already crossed more than two years. After almost
three years, the patient came to know that he was suffering from cancer but he
was told that it was just the initial stage & so there was nothing to
worry. The situation further deteriorated and the Radiation started. The
situation was really bad. They knew that they can’t do any more for him and
after almost four & a half years he expired.
The crux is that even though they knew that it was the
lost battle, that he had a maximum life of 12 months, they still looked up with
optimism and with a great hope. The combined optimistic behaviour of the entire
family extended his life by almost four times i.e. upto 54 months.

Truly speaking it happened in our own family & the
patient was none other than my Grand father who expired in 2008. So I will just
say that let whatever happen, if you are optimistic, if you have positive
thoughts, you can always look upwards. Please log on to the website as it
will teach you on how to look upwards in your life. You can tweet using #lookup. Pic taken with thanks from the weblink