We are into Finishing machines for metal parts and offer as below :
SHOT BLASTING MACHINES : The term Shot blasting means hitting the surface of components with shots or grits to remove either the scale in case of forgings, or sand in case of castings, or to impart a specific finish on components such as Aluminium die castings. Steel shots, steel grits, cast iron shots, cut wire shots or stainless steel shots can be used in the machine. The device that throws the shots is a centrifugal blasting rotor,which has blades in it, to through the shots, guided by cage and impeller.A dust collector is always attached for a neat & clean atmosphere in the premises.
The models are available from batch processing of small components in Tumblast model to Mono rail model for hanging the bigger components. SHOT PEENING MACHINES can also be given in various models & Sizes. This process provides a considerable increase in the fatigue life of the components. In adition Swing table model and continuous conveyor models are also available. Please click the links below to view more details :
tumblast shot blasting machineHanger shot blasting machineContinuous conveyor model shot blastTable type shot blasting machineSAND BLASTING MACHINES : The term Sand blasting means hitting the surface of components with shots or sand to remove either the scale in case of forgings, or sand in case of castings, or to impart a specific finish on components. Aluminium oxide, Glass beads, Plastic media, River sand, etc. can be used in the machine as blast media, Small size of shots and grits can also be used with suitable air pressure. The device that throws the shots is an air blasting nozzle in sand blasting machines with the help of air pressure by a compressor. These machines are also suitable if we want to finish a specific area of a component.Soon to be added in our product range is the latest Dry ice blast cleaning machines.
we can offer you Sand blasting machines in portable & cabinet models. The portable model is available in many sizes i.e. from 150 kg capacity to 2 tons capacity. The cabinet models are available in pressure blasting, suction blasting and wet blasting machines. Vaccum blasting machines also come in our range. Each model has many sizes as per suitability.Complete blast rooms with dust collector, lighting, abrasive recycling system can also be provided. Please click the links below to view more details :
SAND BLASTING MACHINESsand blasting nozzlesDEBURRING & POLISHING MACHINES : we can offer you suitable Vibratory finishing machines, Centrifugal finishing machines as well the latest for internal cross hole deburring as well for many other applications Electro Chemical deburring machines. Soon to be added in our product range is the latest in the internal deburring, the imported Thermal deburring machines as well dry ice blast cleaning machines.The vibratory & centrifugal finishing machines can also be used for POLISHING as a mass finishing system.Here the ceramic stones or plastic media is used to debur or polish a component with vibrations achieved by a special vibratory motor.Stainless steel media can also be used in Ball burnishing models for mirror finish.
Vibratory finishing machines, Centrifugal finishing machinesElectro Chemical deburring machineThermal deburring machinesFinishing Medias for metal finishing : such as Ceramic media, Plastic media, Stainless steel media, Magnetic media, Glass beads, Grits, etc. can also be offered. Please click the links below :
stainless steel media plastic media ceramic media mass finishing chemicals
We can also offer Super finishing, metallizing, honing machines in vertical as well horizontal models can also be offered.We also have the washing and cleaning machines for cleaning of grease etc. from the components. Please log on to our website